Planetside 2 Review

There’s something undeniably old school about SOE's (now known as Daybreak Game Company) next big online effort. The persistent first-person action multiplayer shooter doesn't have any NPCs, any kind of progressive plot or even a worthwhile tutorial to explain its existence – instead it just simply is. An arena which can cater for hundreds of players on giant hundred kilometer maps with three factions fighting for control over territory on a beautiful planet in a sci-fi future. Continue reading

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Age of Wulin - Preview

Like China itself, Age of Wulin (also called Age of Wushu) is a game that doesn't go along with Western precedent, but you know what? We’re absolutely fine with that, as despite enjoying where MMORPGs have gone over the years, we’re still hankering for a studio of considerable size and wealth to imprint the genre with new ideas, principles and philosophies. That’s exactly where Snail Games come in, as this free-to-play effort has already taken China by storm, and if gPotato get their substantial localisation duties right then there’s no reason why Age of Wulin can’t be as popular in Europe as well. Continue reading

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Dungeon and Dragons Online: Menace of the Underdark

DDO is one of those MMORPGs we've always thought about getting into yet we've just never really gotten around to it. It isn't the free-to-play aspects or anything like that, it's just that the universe seems harder to get to grips with than the traditional fantasy affair, especially when you compare it to Turbine's own Lord of the Rings Online. Continue reading

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Guild Wars 2 - Hands-On

After five years of momentous expectation, punctuated by long periods of silence, the sequel to Guild Wars has finally been released. It feels weird to be able to jump onto servers and take our time with a game that usually we've had to blaze through during multiple Beta weekends – just so we could see exactly what this ‘new kind of MMORPG' actually has to offer the genre. We actually figured out that we've spent at least 50 hours in the Beta, sampling seven of the eight different professions and each of the five different races. Yet despite the lengthy Beta process, ArenaNet decided to leave out two of their most extravagant races until the final Beta weekend – the plant people Sylvari and tech-specialist Asura. Continue reading

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The Eastern shooter heads West Crytek had a very busy Gamescom show. On one side of the floor they had Crysis 3, a big-budget yet traditional shooter sequel, whereas on the other they had a giant inflatable Chinook full of PCs loaded to play Warface, a free-to-play shooter game tailored specifically for gamers from the East which is now so successful that its coming to our shores, care of Trion Worlds. Continue reading

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F1 Online

Oh, browser games. There are so many of you out there, yet if we were being honest (really brutally honest) there's only a handful of you that are actually worth the web space you occupy. The problem isn't for want of trying, as there are thousands of you out there vying for our virtual cash, yet you all tend to fall under the same umbrella: turn-based strategy. Continue reading

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